Monday, September 22, 2014

Understanding Your Lease

350 Old Country Road, Suite 205, Garden City, NY 11530
877-791-8076 /

Do you understand the terms of your apartment lease?  We know that the length and language can seem intimidating to new and experienced apartment hunters alike.   However, having a basic understanding of your lease agreement can help you avoid unnecessary disagreements in the future.

What is a Lease?
Any contract between a landlord and a tenant which contains the terms and conditions of rental is considered a lease. A lease cannot be changed or altered during the time it is in effect unless both parties agree. Make sure your landlord has not exhibited any changes to the lease that you may be unaware of.

Rent Charges
A landlord can charge any rent agreed upon by the parties if an apartment is unregulated. In a regulated situation, in any one year, the landlord may charge an increase of up to six percent of the tenant’s rent.  Increased hardship or labor costs can also cause an increase in rent.

Any tenant with a lease is protected from eviction during the lease period so long as the tenant does not violate and substantial provision of the lease or any local housing laws or codes.

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your rental situation, feel free to give us a call at 877.791.8076. We are glad to speak with you and help you understand the terms and conditions of your lease.

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