Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Health Risks of Working Over Night Shifts

Do you work over night shifts?  You're not alone.  Nearly 15 million Americans work at night, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Unfortunately, working against your natural clock could put your health at risk.  New studies show that there are many health risks associated with working over night.

Long-Term Effects:

  • Cardiovascular Disease - There is a correlation between those that work over night and the risk of heart attack and heart disease.
  • Obesity - It can be difficult to maintain a healthy diet when working over night shifts.  Workers may be more prone to snacking on junk food than sitting down for a nutritious meal.  In addition to a poor diet, it can be hard to find time to exercise regularly with an over night schedule.
  • Mood Disorders - Working at different hours than your friends and family might cause social isolation.  In addition to the change in social habits, night workers also have less serotonin, the chemical that is responsible for keeping you happy.
  • Fertility Problems - Shift work can affect a woman's reproductive system.  

Read more about the studies here and the effects that working over night shifts can have on your overall health.

In the unfortunate event you experience any on the job injuries as a result of working an over night shift, contact our office.  Our experienced attorneys can help you address all of your concerns and insure all of the proper legal measures are taken.

Our experience, combined with our successful track record makes us Long Island’s premier law firm.  Contact our office by calling 877-791-8076.  You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest news stories and legal tips.