Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Movie Sheds Light On Wrongdoings Within The Workplace

350 Old Country Road, Suite 205, Garden City, NY 11530
877-791-8076 /

Discrimination. Fraud. Sexual harassment.  These are just a few topics illustrated in Hollywood's next big feature film, "The Wolf of Wall Street".  The movie, based on a true story, has caused quite a stir among ex-employees of brokerage Stratton Oakmont.  The film illustrates the fast-paced, thrilling world of stock brokers during the 1990's and the demeaning, cut-throat work environment that came along with it. 

Sex, drugs and money were enough to entice young men to join the firm and the abundance of luxury was worth the verbally and physically abusive office charades.  Smashing computers and pill popping was common among employees at the fraudulent firm who were later found guilty of ripping off $200 million dollars of client money. 

The movie, out on Christmas, sheds light to a world many people didn't know existed within the workforce.  For more details on what it was like to work in these conditions, visit and check out the trailer here:

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Louis D. Stober Jr. are skilled in representing clients that have fallen victim to employment discrimination and sexual harassment, among other areas of employment law.  To learn more about how we can help you and your case, contact us!