Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tobacco Sale Age Raised from 19 to 21 in Suffolk County

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877-791-8076 / 

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Suffolk County passed a bill last night that raises the tobacco sales age from 19 to 21.  This new restriction was created with the hopes of saving lives and reducing the health costs associated with the use of tobacco. 

Long Island health advocates say that raising the age will decrease the number of young smokers and save the county money in long-term health care.  It is projected that the age increase will save as much as $2.9 billion in long-term health savings.

On the other hand, gas stations and convenience stores are concerned about the effect the new law will have on their businesses.  Legislative budget analysts have estimated that the law could cost Suffolk County as much as $412,000 in sales tax.  The tobacco sales law also includes fines for businesses that are caught selling tobacco to young customers.  Businesses will be charged up to $1,000 for the first offense and $1,500 for the second offense.

The new tobacco law will go into effect January 1st.  Learn more about the law in Newsday or contact our office.  Our experience, combined with our successful track record makes the Law Offices of Louis D. Stober Jr. Long Island’s premier law firm.  Call 877-791-8076 for a consultation.  You can also like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest news stories and legal tips.